How to write an Appointment Letter In English
Ref.: --------------------------------- Date -----------------
Subject: Letter of Appointment.
Dear ---------------------------,
We have enjoyed meeting
with you and appreciate your interest in a long-term career with us.
Consequent to that
meeting the Management of --------------------------------- has
been pleased to appoint you in the position of ---------------------------------- under
following terms and conditions which effects from
1. Salary and Allowances:
The Organization will pay
you a consolidated salary of Tk. /-
(------------- Taka only) Per Month (9Am-8Pm) for Full Shift.
2. Probation Period:
You will be on a
probation for Three (3) Month subject to satisfactory performance The
Organization will pay you a consolidated
salary of Tk.----------- /- (--------------------- Taka only),
loyal, faithful and sincere discharge of your duties. After
successful completion of the probation period and
upon your satisfactory performance, Management
will absorb you as a permanent employee of
this Organization with regular pay scale. The Management
of the Organization may extend the
probation period at its sole discretion.
3. Responsibilities:
You shall observe and
follow the Standing Orders, Rules and Regulations of the Organization in force
and instructions of your assigned seniors. You may be given different
assignment from time to time at the discretion of the Management. You shall
work strictly in accordance with the instructions of your seniors and according
to working program given to you by the Management.
Core Responsibilities
are given below
4. Job Station:
5. Transfer:
Your service shall be
transferable at any unit/branches (within the country or abroad) of the
Organization if required for the interest of the Organization.
6. Team:
You shall work under a
team as a member. Your performance will be measured as an individual as well as
a team. Structure of the team will be designed as per Management’s direction.
7. Resignation From Service:
You may
tender resignation by giving written notice
at least ----------------- months ahead or to
compensate --------------------months’ salary in lieu thereof and
handover all the documents, instruments, items,
etc. to the Management of the Organization
and should obtain Release Order from
the Organization.
8. Termination From Service:
Management of the Organization reserves the
rights to terminate you at any time without assigning any
reason/notice if you are found harmful to the
Organization As per labor low instruction.
9. Promotion / Demotion:
Management of the Organization reserves
every right to promote or demote you
from service on the basis of your performance.
10. Confidentiality:
You shall maintain
secrecy in respect of all Organization matters and policies that you may come
to learn during your employment with the Organization. You shall not divulge to
any person or body about any information or indulge any activity affecting the
interest and reputation of our Organization during the continuance of your
11. Training:
The Organization may
require you to undergo suitable training at Organization’s own interest. After
completion of such training, if decided by the top Management you will be
obligated to serve the Organization for an agreed period. During this agreed
period if you want to leave the Organization, you will have to
reimburse/compensate the training cost/expense proportionately as decided by
the Organization.
12. Other Benefits:
Other benefits shall be
as per Organization’s policy.
13. Income Tax:
The due Income Tax shall
be deducted at source from your monthly consolidated salary. However, filing of
the Income Tax shall be your responsibility.
14. Other Terms & Conditions:
Your service will be
governed by the Human Resource Policy of the Organization.
15. Amendments:
All other terms of
employment not covered herein shall be in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the Organization in force from time to time.
---------------------------- presents a unique and exciting opportunity for
your professional growth. We do believe you have the potential to make a
valuable contribution to the --------------------------------------- Family
and build a long and satisfying career here.
Considering all these
you shall have to render your best
efforts to carryout and execute duties
and responsibilities entrusted upon you by
the Organization.
If the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you; please sign on the duplicate copy of this letter as your acceptance and return to the Under Signed at the Head Office; -------------------------------------------.
Thank you.
Ref-No:--------------------- Date:-----------------------
Father’s Name---------------------------
Mobile No----------------------------------
Subject: Appointment letter for
the post of -----------------------.
Dear Mr. ----------------------,
With reference to your application and interview for employment, we are pleased to offer you an appointment at --------------------- as -------------------. Your appointment is subject to the following terms & conditions:
- You will report to --------------- for joining on or before ----------------.
- Your
salary shall be Tk. -------------------- (----------------------------- Taka) per month.
- You
will abide by all rules & regulations of BEPZA/ Bangladesh Lobar Law & as well as Company’s policy.
- Your probation period will be ----------------months from the date of joining. The probation period will be extended by another 03 (Three) months if your performance is not satisfactorily On successful completion of this, your services will be confirmed otherwise you will be terminated.
- You will be entitled two festival bonuses per year as per Company’s policy.
- Your income tax shall be paid by you which shall be deducted by the company from your monthly salary.
- We consider the offer containing the information is very confidential and expect good co-operation in maintaining so.
We would appreciate if you please
sign the duplicate copy of this letter as your acceptance of the appointment on
the terms and conditions contained herein.
Thanking You.
to: 1. Personal File
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